Welcome fellow insect nerds!
Hello and welcome to Insectnerd! We're super excited to dive into the fascinating world of insects, invertebrates, and all sorts of amazing animals with you!
Explore our care sheets filled with essential info on a variety of inverts, including ladybirds, butterflies, mantis species, stick insects, leaf insects, and so much more! And don't miss out on my thrilling vlogs over on YouTube—there's always something new to discover!
I have kept a variety of insects over the years.
Currently, I have two White Tree Frogs, 3 Giant Asian Mantis, Chinese Moon Moth Larvae and North American Bullseye Moth larvae, Leaf Insects, and Giant Flower Beetle Larvae.
In addition to this, I studied at Plumpton College for two years, gaining a Level 3 Diploma in Animal management.
Subjects I gained vast knowledge on this course:
1. Animal Welfare
2. Animal Health
3. Animal Nutrition
4. Animal Nursing
5. Animal Behaviour
6. Animal Biology
7. Animal Handling
8. Animal Transport
9. Ecology
10. Exotic Animals.
In addition to this I am studying Entomology. I also have volunteered at Southdown Veterinary Practice in Southwick, RSPCA, Raystede, and Drusillas so have plenty of experience working in animal practices.
The Insect Nerd was created for ... everyone. Insect and animal lovers. Families, children, and anyone wanting to take up the wonderful hobby which is Entomology. In time, I will be selling insect eggs and maybe some insects. It's a small, new business, but it will thrive. It's a family-run website, run by me for others.
1. To promote good animal care and welfare.
2. To educate others on the importance of insects
3. To make others aware of insects needs, and how they need to be cared for just like other animals.
4. To encourage others to join in with the hobby Entomology.
5. To chat about the animal or insect related news occurring around the world.
6. To chat about our insects and animals.
7. To provide consistent information about how to care for certain insects or animals.